In this project, I will be building a rate limiter service. Below is the HLD and the detailed tech doc for the same. This blog post is a placeholder for the complete tech doc, which is on Google Docs and is linked below.


  • Limit the requests sent to the service as per the rate/rules defined.
  • Shared amongst different services.
  • Allows multiple services to register rules, on the basis of which rate limiting is supposed to happen. Rules can be of the following types :
    • field x (from the request) should not appear more than y times per minute
    • limit requests to the service to y times per ‘time_unit’
    • Tells what return message should be sent to the client in case of request rejection. For example :
      • Retry with exponential backoff
      • Retry with fixed time
      • Daily Limit Reached
  • Minimal overhead latency


You can go through the complete tech document : here

The implementation with tech stack : (Go/DynamoDB/Redis):